School trip

These are the memories of when we went to Naolinco and Descabezadero in Actopan:

Last semester for English class we went to these places for a school trip to the magic towns. First we went to the school to take the bus to get on the road, this is one of these trips where it doesn't matter where to go, but with whom we do. Being with friends 4 hours on a bus heading to a place that perhaps you already know but where maybe  you didn't go with the right people to make that memorie last.

When we arrived at our first destination -Naolinco-, we got off the bus and took a little tour of  almost all the town. We saw their church, some grocery stores and shoe stores -which more than anything is the activity that distinguish these people-, the down town, among other things.

Being with friends make it seems like if time flies, but we didn't stay there for long because we had to go elsewhere, to the Descabezadero in Actopan which is very beautiful, and the scenery is beautiful as well. There were animals -like parrots and other ones- the waterfalls and the green views that come with them. Although in some aspects -like the bathroom- it was somewhat rustic for us, we loved the place. We ate there and stayed for a while before coming back school to go home to have some rest.